Our Mission


OLMC Seminary's mission is to  continue the work of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in the formation of true Catholic priests. These priests will offer the traditional Catholic sacraments to the faithful while professing the whole, entire, and uncompromised true Catholic faith. OLMC will follow in the footsteps of Archbishop Lefebvre by 
performing their sacred duty as true priests of God by manfully combating all modern errors and heresies, but especially those of the Second Vatican Council, in order to safeguard
the flock of Christ

“The Church is destroying herself by the path of obedience… The masterstroke of Satan is thus to spread the principles of revolution from within the Church, and under the authority of the Church itself… he has succeeded in getting those whose duty it is to defend and propagate the Church, to condemn those who are defending the Catholic Faith…”


(Archbishop Lefebvre, “The Problem of Obedience”)