House Cleaning

Please consider volunteering for a few days at the Seminary to help clean house.  When signing up please give a time frame that you will be able to stay and if you will be needing accommodations.   Thank you!

Please click the 'Volunteer List' tab below in order to sign up for this volunteering job.

Please consider Volunteering

Sign Up

House Cleaning

Instructions: Please follow these instructions such that our volunteering needs stay organized.
1) If you are volunteering your time or sending items please fill out all the fields and hit the send button. Please state if you wish to remain anonymous.
2) If you wish to donate a monetary amount please FIRST click the 'Donate' button at the very bottom of this form. This will bring up a new window in which you can donate directly to OLMC. When you have finished please come back to this form and fill out the fields and hit SEND such that we can log it in our Volunteer database. Be sure to mention if you wish to remain anonymous.